Gay (Happy) Feather

My flowers name is the Gay Feather. Some people think that GAY means something different, but to me it means happy. My flowers Scientific Classification is Asteraceae.  The Gay Feather grows every where but the western area, the scientific name is the liatris pycnostachya. My flower is bright purple with spikes. The blooming period is […]

On my first day of basket ball practice I made every goal but one . I was amazed!But nobody noticed me.So I went with it. And then I told my mom and  went home.And that was how I found my talent.  


Division has three things:the divisor, the dividend, and the quotient.they are all REALLY important! The divisor is the smallest  number, your dividend is the number that is largest, and the quotient is the answer you get after you divided. the way you can remember the steps to long division is Does McDonalds Sell Cheese Burgers, […]