Daily Meal Plan
“Where is it!?” I cried, “It was right here!” We were about to pull out of the driveway and it hit me, I had lost my phone! It all started that morning. We had just left the beach house to take family pictures. When we got to the beach, I loved the scenery and was […]
“Do you want to build a snowman…” my mom sang as she came in. As I opened my eyes I remembered IT WAS CHRISTMAS!!!!! Me and my sisters have ALWAYS wanted a puppy, and I had a feeling today might be lucky. […]
This year, for Christmas, I got a puppy. It took a couple of days to think of the name, but we put our heads together and thought of the name Piper. All year long we spent our time teaching her tricks. She does well inside but when she’s outside she thinks were in HER territory. […]
After graduating from Harvard college he became a lawyer He would read the Bible at night His father is John Adams Has 4 children John Quincy Adams Elected 6th president Married to Louisa Elizabeth Adams The 6th president of the United States of America John Quincy Adams died Febuary 28th, 1848, age 80
The summer of 2013 my mom side of the family took us on our very first cruise, it was sort of scary because it was the cruise ship that had to be towed back to shore because it just stopped in the middle of the cruise. The Christmas of 2013, I got a puppy as […]