Category: Uncategorized
Winter Cinquain
Snowball cold, light-weight fighting, freezing, flying a snow filled ball fun!
New Year’s Resolveions
I will be more careful on the road like watching for cars. Leting my mom spot me
Mattie’s Christmas Couplets
My Christmas Couplets My little sisters head is red, And so is Santa’s sled. While Santa was eating a cookie He started to do the boogie woogie. Santa and Mrs.Claus Were visiting Santa Paws.
Mattie’s voki
Thanksgiving Poem
Thanksgiving Thanksgiving feels like love all around. Thanksgiving looks like my aunt Shirley’s big house. Thanksgiving smells like turkey hot from the oven. Thanksgiving sounds like prayer said by my friend, Tanner. Thanksgiving tastes like deer jerkey just made.
All About Me
spooky art
halloween glogster
Hello world!
Welcome to my brand new blog at Blogs.